Monday, December 30, 2019

How To Satiate Demand for More College Grads

How To Satiate Demand for More College Grads How To Satiate Demand for More College Grads Overall, the report (PDF) said, degrees in business, engineering, computer/information science, sciences, and communications disciplines are going to be most in demand by employers. Now the employers just have to find the soon-to-be-minted college graduates to hire.Texas AM offers some strong advice that can be helpful to both on-campus recruiters and prospective graduates looking for work. On its career center website, the university says, The key to successful recruiting is building and maintaining a presence on campus. Organizations who enjoy the most success are those who have name recognition and a positive image with students. In order to attain a higher level of campus presence, employers are encouraged to use an integrated approach involving a variety of activities.The universitys first suggestion is participation in on-campus career fairs. OK, so not all of the advice is revolutionary but its good to cover the basics. When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he answered, Because thats where the money is. Potential employees are going to be at career fairs.Avail yourself of any job posting sites universities and colleges have to offer. Theyre a common way for prospective grads and recent alum to see what you have to offer.Use any online-recruitment tools that universities and colleges have to offer. The career centers will provide you spots for on-campus interviews.Host an information session on campus. Its good marketing for getting your brand in front of the students. As Texas AM points out, it allows businesses to explaintheir organizations to students, rather than use interview time for this purpose. Othersuse these sessions to observe and interact with interview candidates in a less structuredenvironment.This wont help you during spring recruitment drives, but it does lay the foundation for future hiring. The university recommends providing students with learning opportunities while exposing them to your organization by offering internship, cooperative education, or externship opportunities. Test out potential hires before graduation and enhance your staffing resources. As the university points out, once a student has gone through your organization as an intern, he or she becomes a brand ambassador for you on campus.Texas AM says companies can also have success by volunteering on campus. Its career center programs, for example, include mock interviews, the company visit, career profiling, and interview techniques. Again, as with the information sessions, it helps recruiters be seen in a more informal light outside of the formal interview and it also helps students get to know your brand as being community minded and informed because of your expert presence on topics important to them.Of course, money goes a long way in your recruiting efforts, too. Texas AM says (and its hardly unique among institutions of higher learning), Ge nerous contributions from employer partners have enabled The Career Center to expand services and resources to better serve students and employers. As a result of their highly visible contributions, employers have enjoyed a competitive advantage through enhanced werbung and the opportunity to work directly with staff.All of the above advice works for students, too. Take part when a company you are interested in comes to campus and youll get noticed by company recruiters in a less formal setting. Career center fairs, sessions on mock interviews and career profiling, as well as interview techniques are all forms of networking that will be valuable tools to develop further along in your career.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

25 job interview questions to get the job Ladders 2018 Interviews Guide

25 job interview questions to get the job Ladders 2018 Interviews Guide25 job interview questions to get the job Ladders 2018 Interviews GuideIve assembled the following 25 job interview questions for you to ask the HR person, the recruiter, the hiring manager, and the other people with whom you interview.These are useful because they are open-ended enough for an answer to be revealing, while relevant enough to the context of an interview to seem sensible. They dont feel very threatening to ask - they allow you to feel sharp - and yet they can produce reams and reams of insight into the heart of the operation and its people.As a rubric for scoring opportunities, you might ask yourself about each role for which you interviewCompetitors business - What worries you about the business, what opportunities do you see? What are the growth prospects for the business?kollektiv - How do you like the folks on the gruppe, is team composition right, is there anything missing that will make y our job difficult?Work-life balance - Do they work too much or too little? How much ambition are you looking for? Are nights / weekends / vacations sacrosanct or a cause for more work?The work - Is it high-level, low-level, managing, doing, thinking, travel?The pay and benefits - Is it enough cash now, is it enough cash later, is there room for advancement? Are the core benefits and fringe benefits good?With that introduction, here are your 25 easy-to-ask, revealing-to-answer questions to take to a job interview.25 great job interview questionsWhats the biggest change your group has gone through in the last year? Is the improving economy also improving your business, or not yet?Which competitor worries you the most?If I get the job, how do I earn a perfect score on my performance review? What are the key accomplishments youd like to see in this role over the next year?What are the three things I can contribute in the first 100 days to make you feel great about hiring me? What are the most important things to the success of this role overall?Whats your (or my future bosss) leadership style?How does sales / operations / technology / marketing / finance work around here? (I.e., groups other than the one youre interviewing for).What type of people are successful here? What type of people are not?Whats one thing thats key to this companys success that somebody from outside the company wouldnt know about?How did you get your start in this industry? Why do you stay? (Asked well - i.e., asking the question and then not interrupting at all - this question alone can have your interviewer chatting away for 10 or 20 minutes of fond reminisces.)What are your groups best and worst working relationships with other groups in the company? What are the pain points you have to deal with day-to-day?What keeps you up at night? Whats your biggest worry these days?Who are my customers (internal or external) and how do they measure me / us? Who views me (my team) as a customer ( internal or external)?Whats the timeline for making a decision on this position? When should I get back in touch with you?The economy has been getting better, and theres a lot of hiring going on. Why did you decide to prioritize this position instead of the many others you could have hired for?What is your reward system? Is it a star system / team-oriented / equity-based / bonus-based / pat-on-the-back-based? Why is that your reward system? What do you hope to get out of it, and what actually happens when you put it into practice? What are the positives and the negatives of your reward system? If you could change any one thing, what would it be?What does success for this group / team / company look like in one year? In five years?What information is shared with the employees (revenues, costs, operating metrics)? Is this an open book shop, or do you play it closer to the vest? How is information shared? How do I get access to the information I need to be successful in this job?If we are going to have a very successful year in 2019, what will that look like? What will we have done in the time before then to make it successful? How does this position help achieve those goals? (This question helps show your ability to look beyond todays duties to the future more than a year away.)How does the company / my future boss do performance reviews? How do I make the most of the performance review process to ensure that Im doing the best I can for the company?What is the rhythm to the work around here? Is there a time of year that its all hands on deck and were pulling all-nighters, or is it pretty consistent throughout the year? How about during the week / month? Is it pretty evenly spread throughout the week / month, or are there crunch days?What type of industry / functional / skills-based experience and hintergrund are you looking for in the person who will fill this position? What would the perfect candidate look like? How do you assess my experience in comparison? Wh at gaps do you see?What is your (or my future boss) hiring philosophy? Is it hire the attitude / teach the skills or are you primarily looking to add people with domain expertise first and foremost?Is this a new position, or an existing position? If new, why was it created and what are the expectations? If an existing position, where did the prior person go? What were the things that person did really well, that you hope to see in the next person? What are the things you hope will change?In my career, Ive primarily enjoyed working with big / small / growing / independent / private / public / family-run companies. If thats the case, how successful will I be at your firm?Who are the heroes at your company? What characteristics do the people who are most celebrated have in common with each other? Conversely, what are the characteristics that are common to the promising people you hired, but who then flamed out and failed or left? As Im considering whether or not Id be successful here, how should I think about the experiences of the heroes and of the flame-outs?The bottom lineYou may want to score these answers along the framework I created above, or on a framework of your own making. Or you may focus entirely on the qualitative side of your conversations.In any event, this list of questions enables you to come to every interview with a few good questions.Remember, asking questions in interviews is only 50% about addressing your needs, explaining the role to you, and satisfying your curiosity. The other 50% of asking questions is showing your capability for critical thinking about the company, the industry, and the role.Using your question time to show off your good noodle by asking (brief) insightful questions, is a much better use of the time than saying that you have no questions.One last great question to ask at a job interview to keep in your back pocketAnd if you somehow run out of questions - even after reading this list - there is the great, all-purpose, anytime, anyplace question to ask, that you can always rememberIs there anything else I shouldve asked but didnt?This article is adapted fromLadders 2018 Interviews Guide 74 Questions That Will Land You the Job (Ladders 2018 Guide). Purchase the Kindle Single for immediate download here.**Disclosure Ladders from time-to-time uses affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, we will receive a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Friday, December 20, 2019

4 Productivity Tips for Remote Workers

4 Productivity Tips for Remote Workers4 Productivity Tips for Remote WorkersRemote working jobs are on the rise. Now, many employees can work from home as they please, or even live in a different city than their employers. This ability provides modern workers with the flexibility and work-life balance theyre often craving in our contemporary technology-driven reality.Along with the benefits of remote work comes an array of challenges for both employers and employees. Employers have to figure out how to efficiently manage and treat their remote workers, while remote workers have to figure out how to work effectively and autonomously.Luckily, there are plenty of tools and resources available that make remotejobs easier to navigate than ever before. Consider these four tips when you begin your research on how to become a successful remoteemployee.1. Get Set UpOne key to being the best remote worker you can be is making sure you have sufficient space to work in. mora specifically, you sh ould designate a physical workspace in your house where only work occurs to properly switch your brain into work mode. If you dont have enough free space in your home to have a full office, designate one desk or chair to help with productivity. Consider ergonomics when setting up your workspace choose your chair wisely, prop up your laptop to the appropriate height, and make sure theres room for your feet to lay flat on the ground. Making these physical changes at the start of your day helps your brain transition from personal time to work time, making you a more focused worker.2.Designate HoursWhile remote work often allows you to set your own hours, a lack of structure can be detrimental to your workflow. Rather than flying by the seat of your pants on any given day, dictate what hours you plan to work at the start of the week and stick to them. Utilize a digital calendar toolto let coworkers know what your working hours are, so they can know when its appropriate to ask you questi ons, or when you should be left alone. Schedule your hours around appointments, lunch, and other activities just as you would at an office job, but be sure to pencil those into your calendar as well, for full transparency.3.Take BreaksTry your best to mimic from home the saatkorn habits you would as if you were working in a physical office, such as taking a moment to chat with coworkers or grabbing a cup of coffee at your local cafe. Neglecting to step away from your desk can lead to feeling isolated and ultimately burning out. Get creative with your breaks and run out for lunch with a friend or take a walk around the block to get some fresh air. Essentially, anything you can do to give your brain and body a break will be beneficial to your overall experience and productivity while working virtually.4.Use Reliable ToolsBecause of the great distance between coworkers and clients, virtual employees rely on the right tools to productively communicate throughout the day. Having poor cal l-quality on client calls can be detrimental to those relationships, so utilizing a reliable phone system is crucial. Luckily, VoIP phone servicesalleviate this issue by allowing you to make crystal clear calls through your Internetconnection. On top of having reliable phone lines, youll need reliable chat channels and video conferencing tools to communicate with coworkers and managers as well. After all, constant communication is crucial for both team and individual success, and facilitating that from afar can be made much easier with the use of these tools.A Final NoteRemote work is a workplace trend that will undoubtedly continue to grow as the tools and technologies companies use for communication improve. When done the right way, a remote job can provide both workers and their companies with a healthy balance of freedom, flexibility, and production. Using the tips above can serveas a guide for how to make remote work as effective aspossible.Anna is a business content specialist who focuses on the ever-evolving communication landscape- consisting of tools, solutions, and technology- that make remotework possible.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Make Your Work-Life Balance a Priority

Make Your Work-Life Balance a PriorityMake Your Work-Life Balance a PriorityPut these tips to practice to get more done, be happier at work, and spend more time with loved ones.If achieving greater work-life balance was one of your resolutions for the New Year, youre not alone. An iVillage survey found that of 1,500 women polled online, 89 percent defined career success as the flexibility to balance life and work. Here are six practical tips to help you improve your work-life balance.Clean out your inbox before work.The more productive you are at work, the easier it will be to leave the office at a decent hour and enjoy some quality time with your friends and family. Use your smartphone to eliminate spam and organize your inbox of work emails before you get to the office. Whether you do this while waiting in line for your morning coffee or sitting on the train, you can clear out a lot of unnecessary emails and start setting your game plan for the day before you sit down at your desk. Track your time online.Does time seem to fly by but your to-do list doesnt get any shorter? There are a number of free apps such as Izepto and Toggl you can download to your smart device or PC to track your activities and identify where youre losing focus. Track your activities for at least one week before you decide how to meister your workflow.Prioritize your activities and set expectations. Consider which activities are most important to you. This could include getting home in time to eat dinner with your loved ones or tuck your children into bed, or using your lunch hour to work out at a local gym. Identify the time frame you need to be off the grid and communicate these expectations to your team. For instance, you may make yourself unavailable from 600-800 p.m. every evening, but will jump back online and respond to urgent requests before the next morning.Delegate the rubber balls.Consider each priority in your life to be a ball that youre juggling some of these balls are made of glass, and some are rubber. When youre juggling too many priorities, chances are that youll end up dropping one along the way. The key is to determine which balls will shatter if they are dropped, and which will bounce back. Consider delegating some of the rubber balls to others. Even if a mistake is made, you know its something that can be recovered from.Negotiate flexibility.Between conferencing software like Skype and iMeet, and document-sharing services like iCloud and Dropbox, the ability to work and perform well outside of the workplace is easier than ever before. Consider negotiating a more flexible work schedule that allows you to work remotely a day or more each week. This option is especially beneficial for those who have long commutes to work.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

If youre reading this, youre too old to master a new language

If youre reading this, youre too old to master a new languageIf youre reading this, youre too old to master a new languageAre you older than 10? Its too late for you to be perfectly fluent in a foreign language.Before you attempt to learn a new language as an adult, recognize the futility of your task. According to a new study published in Cognition, your journey to complete native-level fluency is almost insurmountable as an adult.Thats because your chances of retaining mastery over a new language drop off dramatically after age 10, psychologists found.Study After adulthood, native-level fluency is nearly impossibleThose who begin later literally run out of time before the sharp drop in learning rate at around 17-18 years of age, the study said. The analyses above all point to a grammar-learning ability that is preserved throughout childhood and declines rapidly in late adolescence.What do children have that adults lose? There is no one clear advantage, the psychologists believe, bu t many factors that add up to one big language barrier. Children are less afraid of making mistakes, mora willing to experiment than adults. They may be more likely to grow up in immersive environments around the new language.They may not be dealing with lifestyle changes that make focusing on language acquisition hard like college and new jobs. They may have a lack of interference from a well-learned first language grammar-learning ability, as the study put it. The possible explanations are endless.But if you still want to pick up a new language, you can still attain conversational proficiency. Our brains are always learning. You may never reach the same proficiency level of native speakers who spoke it their whole life, but you can still attain enough fluency to get around.For those of us starting to learn a new language later in life, the researchers recommend immersion as the best method.Youd be better off moving to a country as an adult and trying to learn a language than takin g it all throughout school,study co-author Joshua Hartshorne advised adults who wish to learn.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Argument About Resume Grader

The Argument About Resume Grader The reviewer then offers advice about ways to make your resume much better. A RezScore expert will be glad to help you through these tips. Furthermore, you can search for reporter jobs on Monster. This resource will probably be more useful for recent or soon-to-be college graduates that are still figuring out what sorts of jobs they need to apply for. You are able to even use this facility to inspect the caliber of a professionally written CV. One way to accomplish that is to incorporate a resume that highlights just the correct qualifications. Once again youll be requested to summarize your qualifications for the particular position. Understanding Resume Grader Resume scanner software ought to be a normal portion of your job application approach. The work experience section will most likely take up the majority of the space on your resume. Rather, it enables you to identify your strengths and weaknesses at any moment through your connec tions. Resume is the initial and most crucial step towards getting your preferred job on ship. Life After Resume Grader Including a summary is essential should you really need to catch the eye of a hiring manager. ur present job opportunities are given below. When a job is seemingly simple to qualify for, its vital to know your strengths and the way to emphasize them. Because it requires little or no formalized training, job notices may not offer many clues as to what the employer is looking for. At the same time that you wont be in a position to see the schools resume workshop video without valid Yale login info, you may read its resume advice and have a look at its massive collection of resume-friendly action verbs. It may not be ideal if youre really trying hard to compose your resume and cover letter, but in case you have some idea about what you wish to say and the way you need to say it, you ought to be fine here. Press the Scan button and youre going to immediately see a list of all of the keywords in the work description which are not in your resume. Simply paste the work description on a single side and paste your resume on the opposite side. There are quite a few companies out there which will permit you to submit your resume for analysis free of dienstgrad and within a couple days youll have the results back. Therefore, should you decide to use more action words, examples an always simple to discover. Think of how often you accomplish what you perform regularly and write that down. Its difficult to reject somebody who aces a technical evaluation. The End of Resume Grader There might be several alternatives to select from for each word or sentence in the rewriting possibilities and its important to think about each one before making the last choice. There really isnt any substitute for taking advantage of specialist experience. If some time has passed since youve updated your institutions brand look or voice, then its time to put money into ways that could freshen things up. There are a number of factors that play an important part whilst making a great marine resume. In addition, the world of resume writing is one that is continually evolving. Developing an expert grader resume may be the response to finding a new career without the demand for expensive education. Not everybody is a strong resume writer and thats okay. Writing resumes is something which takes a great deal of time and practice to perfect. What You Need to Do About Resume Grader Its possible for you to discover quantifiable benefits in nearly every profession. Inspired via this tool, you may also create resume grader that lets the candidates to upload their resumes in order to get immediate feedback based on specific algorithms. If its the blind screening procedure will help or hinder your work search may ride on your actions. The USAJOBS application procedure is intended to weed out candidates who cant follow precise instructions. The idea of a targeted resume implies that you need to first have a work target. Successful candidates are well qualified, but theyre also prepared. Many words have a negative effect on effectiveness. Client contact developing powerful and vital relationships. Your institutions credibility is going to be on the line in the event the site is ugly, unfriendly and isnt compatible for mobile users. Our reviews contain information like the score of the clients, our rating, starting prices, Discounts, and caliber of the papers. If youre able to fit all your important and pertinent info on a single page, thats excellent, but dont be worried if youve got to go on to a second sheet of paper. Its extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to avoid low high quality services.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

I want to take a gap year but my parents dont want me to. What should I do

I want to take a eu-agrarpolitik year but my parents dont want me to. What should I do I want to take a gap year but my parents dont want me to. What should I do?Posted May 17, 2013, by Jo Messer I want to take a gap year but my parents dont want me to. What should I do? Ash, 17, Newcastle A lot of students want to take a break after completing Year 12 but it sounds like you need to look at your motivations and reassure your parents that youre not going to spend the year in your pyjamas in front of the TV. Taking a gap year can be an incredibly enriching experience but you need to think carefully about what youre going to do with it. Do you want to use your gap year to work, travel or volunteer? Here are some things to consider 1. If youre planning to apply to a tertiary course before you take your gap year, you need to check the schools deferment policy. Most institutions allow you to defer for up to one year, but others may not be as flexible. If youre applying for a scholarshi p, review the conditions carefully and make sure there isnt a no deferral policy attached. 2. What do you really want to get out of your gap year? If you just want to travel you could look at student exchange or study abroad options during your degree. This is a cost effective way to experience living in another country, while at the same time getting credit towards your degree. You could also consider completing one semester abroad and spending the other semester travelling. 3. Do you want to plan your own gap year or have someone organise it for you? There are numerous organisations that run programs, for example Lattitude Global Volunteering, Real Gap Experience and Student tischordnung Australia New Zealand. These companies will do the organising for you, but they can be expensive. Australian Volunteers International also offers volunteer programs research all your options before committing. 4. Do you want to gain work experience? A gap year can be a good opportunity to ea rn some money, develop new skills and gain experience. If you have a particular course in mind I recommend trying to get a taste of employment in this area, even if you have to volunteer or do work experience. Relevant employment will give you a chance to see if youre really interested in pursuing this area and will give you an edge over other students when it comes to applying for graduate jobs. 5. Do you want to gain experience to help you get into a course? If you didnt get your first preference, a gap year may give you an opportunity to undertake experience that could give you a better chance of getting in. Be mindful there are no guarantees and you should contact the institution/course coordinator to discuss this option further dont make any assumptions. There are many positives to taking a gap year it really depends on what you want to do with it and want to achieve. The important thing is to come up with a preliminary plan and think carefully before jumping in Jo Messer is a Career Development Specialist who has many years of experience in supporting and guiding students and graduates of some of Australias most respected universities, as well as mature-aged clients, across all facets of their career. She is a Professional Member of CDAA and an active member of NAGCAS. Whether you have a specific question about how to achieve your career goal or something more general, Jo is available to provide you with up-to-date advice. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesfind me work experienceyear 10 work experience sydneywork experience ideas year 12what millennials want from brandsfuture employment trends in the next 20 years CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJo MesserRelated ArticlesBrowse moreDesignDigital Media10 jobs that the internet killedThe internet has changed the way we live in more ways than one. Julia takes a look at which jobs have had to take the exit ramp thanks to the information super highway.Work/life balanceWorking in AustraliaRegional Australia Is the grass really greener?Regional cities are booming with job opportunities ripe for the picking. Is regional Australia where its at?EMPLOYER RESOURCESGenerations in the workforceWorkplace Warfare Baby Boomers, Gen X And Gen YLately, everyone is talkin bout your generation. With an age gap of nearly 50 years between the oldest and youngest employees in some organisations, there is a broad range of perspectives, needs and attitudes floating around the office.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Applying for a Job After the Deadline

Applying for a Job After the DeadlineApplying for a Job After the DeadlineYoure looking through job listings when you find one that looks like it would be a great fit. You have the qualifications for the position, the company culture is awesome, and it has a flexible schedule to boot. Only problem- the deadline to apply has already passed. Should you heave a big sigh and move on with your job search? Not necessarily.Of course, applying to fresh job listings as they post online is ideal, since it helps position your job application higher up than job seekers who send theirs in later. Applying early can also convey to a potential employer that you really want the job and are on top of your job search game. (FYI offers email notifications to its members when jobs that are relevant to your job search post online) Still, you should absolutely apply for a position even if its after the deadline.Here are a few reasons why applying for a job after the deadline is a good ideaThe company might still be hiring.Sure, the listing stated that the deadline was a week ago. But how do you really know if that was a hard or soft deadline? You can never be certain about whats going on behind the scenes of a job posting- maybe the employer set that deadline, expecting to still receive applications a week or two after the due date.So even though you should take a deadline seriously, submitting an application a few days (or even a week) after the due date can still put you in the running for the position.The lead candidate might not work out.By the time you spotted the job listing of your dreams, the interviewing and hiring process could well be under way with the employer. And yet, things happen along the way, and the lead job candidate might not make the cut as the rounds of job interviews progress.Heres where sending in your application later on could actually be beneficial, since your resume and cover letter will technically be the freshest one that the recruiter will see, as opp osed to the pile of applications that hes already gone through.You could be hired for another position.Although you only spotted one job listing posted by the company, theres always a chance that theyre hiring for other positions, too. So even if the deadline for the job that you want has already passed, that doesnt mean that the company isnt on the lookout for potential candidates for various other roles.Submit your job application anyway- you never know if you could potentially be a lead candidate for a similar position, or if the hiring manager might hold onto your application until a job pops up that youd be a match for in the future.Browse Open Flexible Jobs

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Skip The Holiday Job Search If You Want (OK, But Dont)

Skip The Holiday Job Search If You Want (OK, But Dont)Skip The Holiday Job Search If You Want (OK, But Dont)INBOX Jewel, realistically, when will the hiring managers be receptive to interviewing? Now or sometime after the 1st of the year?The time is now. I cant say it any plainer or simpler than that.Let everybody else take a break. But YOU need to continue on. Lets talk about 3 simple things you can do during the holiday season to land interviews and offers.Regard Today As Any Otherbei Day of the YearYear in and year out, I support candidates who landed roles between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It happens every year without fail. Why? Because the reality is that while hiring does slow, slow does not mean stop.Everyone still works between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Business is still being conducted all over America. Everyone is still at their desks. Everyone is still on their phones. The magical dates on the calendar from late November onward havent changed any of these realities.Yo u Have Weeks To GoAll of this week and all of next week are legitimate days of work take advantage of them. One candidate I supported remarkably leveraged LinkedIns automated messages to wish people happy new job or happy birthday, and he grew his professional network to 20,000 people.Take a similar approach in wishing relevant people holiday messages. Relevant is the operative word here. Youre not just kissing up to random people you dont know with some random message. Make the reason that youre reaching out to the person something that makes sense, by reaching out to people who are in your industry, in your city, and working for employers that youre interested in.Now Is Your Time To Drill DownSpeaking of employers youre interested in, gone are the days of post and pray. You cant just hit the apply and submit buttons for every opportunity that looks / sounds good, then just sit back and hope someone replies to you.A significantly more effective strategy is to company search, as op posed to just job search. That approach worked excellently for Marisol I applied for a role, interviewed, but then they said they were going to put the role on hold. But the hiring manager told me he liked my qualifications and to keep in touch. 2 weeks later something else came through, and now Im on my 3rd interview for that opportunity.Perfect. When one particular opportunity seems to come to an end, it really doesnt, as long as you upgrade from looking at an individual job, to looking at the organization as a whole. If you like the business, their corporate culture, and their mission, then stick with them and tap it like a gold mine of multiple opportunities.Theres a job search training coming up in which I walk you step-by-step through how people landed their ideal roles many during the holiday times by just doing 3 simple things you absolutely can do, but might not have thought to do. Join us for How to Land Your Ideal Role in 8 Weeks Or Less. One lady started her new job li terally a week ago because the holidays have nothing to do with your job search.

Aviation Enforcement Agent Job Information

Aviation Enforcement Agent Job InformationAviation Enforcement Agent Job InformationThe United States faces threats from criminals every day, including criminals who try to enter and smuggle people, goods, weapons, and drugs into the country. Many of them attempt to sneak in through the land, air, and sea. U.S. Customs and Border Protection Aviation Enforcement Agents work to help curb illegal immigration and smuggling through aerial surveillance and enforcement. What Do CBP Aviation Enforcement Agents Do? Customs and Border Protection aviation enforcement agents are uniformed law enforcement officers work alongside the CBPs pilots, known as aviation interdiction agents, to enforce laws related to immigration, customs, smuggling, and counter-terrorism. Aviation enforcement agents serve on board CBP Office of Air and Marine aircraft as the primary law enforcement agent on CBP missions. They work closely with state, local and other federal law enforcement partners to coordinate enf orcement and surveillance efforts. As criminal investigators, CBP aviation agents lead criminal investigations, interview and interrogate witnesses and suspects, and provide courtroom testimony during trials related to their cases. Agents also conduct research and analysis, looking into trends to forecast future criminal activity related to their mission to stop the smuggling of goods and people, fight terrorism and curb illegal immigration. CBP aviation enforcement agents travel extensivelyand even serve overseas to curb smuggling from regions like the Middle East and to protect U.S. border interests. As the job title suggests, these agents spend much of their time in the air and onboard OAM aircraft. They are also subject to relocation based on on the needs of the Office of Air and Marine. What is the Salary for U.S. CBP Aviation Enforcement Agents? Depending on what step in the federal pay scale you are eligible to be hired at, starting salary for CBP aviation enforcement age nts is between about $50,00 and $81,000, with the opportunity to promote to over $90,000 per year. The starting base salary does not include federal locality pay. What Are the Requirements to Be a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Aviation Enforcement Agent? Before you apply for a job as a CBP aviation enforcement agent, you need to make sure you meet the minimum qualifications. According to Customs and Border Protections Office of Air and Marine, aspiring agents must be younger than 37 years old (with exceptions for military veterans and some other federal civilian law enforcement workers),You must be a U.S. citizen, have lived in the United States for at least the past 3 years and hold a valid driver license issued in the U.S. Job announcements for CBP Aviation Enforcement Agents are often internal and only open to current Custom and Border Protection employees, which means to beeligibletoapplyyou will need to havefirstspent time working as aCustomsand Border Protection agent . Once youve applied, you need to be able to pass a pre-employment physical fitness evaluation. You also need to be able to pass a very thorough background investigation, which willincludea polygrafexam.Finally, you need to pass a medical and pre-employmentdrug screen. If youre at allinterestedin working as a CBPaviationenforcement agent - or any other lawenforcementcareerfor that mater - you needtomake sure to avoidbehaviorsthat could keep youfrompassing a background check. These canincludepriorarrests, drug use, poor employmenthistory,and past due debts. Once hired, you will train at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga. Why Should You Consider Working as a U.S. CBP Aviation Enforcement Agent? If you are interested in aviation and enjoy spending time in the air, and would like to combine that interest with an exciting career in law enforcement, working as a customs and Border Protection Aviation Enforcement Agent may just be the perfect job for you.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to Reapply for a Job When You Have Been Rejected

How to Reapply for a Job When You Have Been Rejected How to Reapply for a Job When You Have Been Rejected Should you reapply for a job if you were rejected the first time around and you see that the position is still posted or has been relisted? It depends, but in general, the worst that can happen is that you get rejected again. Best-case scenario, you may have a better chance of getting accepted the second time around. When to Reapply After Being Rejected Applicants often wonder if it is advisable to reapply for a job which they have already applied for in the past. The short answer is that if you find the position to be very attractive, there is usually nothing to lose other than your time. Your chances of receiving serious consideration the second time around will be greater if considerable time has passed and/or if you have enhanced your credentials in some way. Typically, it doesnt make sense to reapply until at least four months have passed since your initial application. If you made the interview stage previously and were a finalist or received positive feedback, then you may be a strong enough candidate to receive an offer this time since there might be a less competitive pool. Another reason to consider reapplying if time has passed is that the staff responsible for screening resumes may have changed, and the new screener(s) may have a different take on the viability of your credentials. You never know what’s going on behind the scenes. The applicant pool may have changed since you first applied. The employer might have refined their profile for the perfect candidate. For a variety of reasons, you may have a better chance of getting selected this time. It’s also possible that you don’t even know for sure that you were rejected, just that you weren’t selected. Many employers dont bother sending rejection letters. In that case, don’t assume that your application was actively rejected. It’s possible that your resume and cover letter failed to make it through the applicant tracking system. In that case, the problem isn’t with your candidature, but rather with your application materials â€" an easier fix than acquiring a new certification or adding years of experience. Target Your Resume and Letters Most large, and many smaller, employers use applicant tracking systems) (ATS) to screen applicants. These software programs manage the recruiting process automatically, receiving and sorting resumes and helping hiring managers and HR representatives search them. The advantage from the employer’s perspective is clear: an ATS saves time that they would otherwise have to invest in having humans comb through piles of resumes. However, it can be a real problem for a job seeker, if they don’t know how to write their resumes for both humans and robots. If you keep applying to jobs online, and never hear anything from a real, live person, you might be getting caught in the ATS net. It can happen even if you’re fully qualified. It all comes down to using the right resume keywords. Keywords describe the requirements for a particular job, including skills, certifications, educational qualifications, and other qualities that a hiring manager is targeting. Take the time to target your resume and your cover letter, including keywords that match the job posting, and you will have a better chance of getting your application considered for the job. Don’t be afraid to mention skills that seem obvious to you â€" for example, if the job listing specifies that the candidate should be familiar with Microsoft Office, you should include that, or risk getting filtered out of contention. Also, be sure to highlight in your cover letter any additional experiences, awards, accomplishments, or training which you have amassed since your last application. What to Write in Your Cover Letter Typically, you would refer to your prior application in your cover letter if you have previously interviewed for the position. You can mention why you were convinced that the employer and the job were an excellent fit as a result of that exposure and that you would appreciate the employers consideration for the position. If you didnt receive a rejection letter or werent interviewed and considerable time has passed, you dont need to reference your previous application in your letter.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Harnessing the Power of Semantic Search

Harnessing the Power of Semantic Search Harnessing the Power of Semantic Search Harnessing the Power of Semantic Search Rosshiem Many have called semantic search the future of resume search technology.But what exactly is semantic search? Imagine search engines that dont get hung up on the particular words that you and your perfect candidates use to describe a given profession. Instead, semantic search interprets the meaning behind the words and concepts. If that simple concept still sounds murky, theres good news: to reap the benefits of semantic search, you dont need to know how it works. Heres a glimpse behind the curtain of semantic search that will help inform your use of it. The Power of More Accurate Search Basically, semantic search gets down to the meaning of words the terms of your query and the prose in the resume database to separate the wheat from the chaff much more effectively than conventional search. Maybe the most surprising aspect of semantic search is that it lets you describe who youre looking for, almost as if you were speaking with a networking contact who knew all the top candidates out there. Semantic search incorporates context toaddressa lot of language pitfalls in resumes. For example, Power Resume Search resolves misspellings, abbreviations (standard and otherwise) and synonyms and variations in terms.For example, SOX, Sarbanes-Oxley and Sarbox are all understood to refer to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Recruiters find that its more effective to search on specific, hard skills, like C# programming, than on soft skills like team player. Those all-important soft skills are best evaluated by hiring managers and HR professionals in personal interactions. Finds Candidates on their own Terms Semantic search is necessary precisely because human language is so full of variations. Ituses webs of related terms and their meanings to uncover resumes that use words closely related to your search terms. So, for example, when a recruiter or hiring manager runs a search on programmer, the results may also include jobs titled software engineer and developer, since they are potential synonyms. Skills and traits are then weighted in semantic search to produce optimal ranking of results. Power Resume Search gives more weight to a candidates experience thats more recent, for example. Even in the current buyers labor market, perfect candidates are often elusive. Thus Power Resume Search lets recruiters designate each desired skill as either required or nice to have. Using Technology to Meld Information To match your search query with the best candidates, semantic search combines advanced analytics with real-world knowledge of occupations in many industries.For each resume, the technology extracts concepts and tags sections. Theinformation in the resume is analyzed and summarized to produce a conceptual portrait of the candidate. subject-matter experts encode knowledge from many professional fields to find all the ways of referring to that concept, and determine where the concept fits in the semantic space of industries and occupations. Heres one such example: because advertising is a form of marketing communications, a resume with advertising copywriter in its Job Experience section can be presumed to belong to a candidate who has some marketing experience. Without the right technology, making all of this come together is exceptionally difficult and fraught with problems. For instance, parsing errors can cause some words to be misinterpreted because their context is misconstrued. If a CPAs resume states that she is marketing herself as a forensic accountant, the resume search engine should not classify her as a marketing professional. Sophisticated semantic search will analyze where in the resume marketing appears and interpret the word in that context. Will Semantic Search Reshape Recruiting? Who needs professional recruiters when semantic search is available? Most employers who have been using recruiters will find that these human experts will remain essential to the sourcing, recruiting and hiring cycles. Armed with semantic search in their tool belts, recruiters can focus on developing relationships with clients and candidatesand find the right candidate with greater efficiency.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

7 Things to Know if Youre Applying to a Reach Position

7 Things to Know if You're Applying to a 'Reach' Position 7 Things to Know if You're Applying to a 'Reach' Position You spot your dream job , but it’s a reach- a reach beyond the next step in your career. It’s two steps or three steps or 10 steps removed from what your next job should be- and so, you stop just short of applying. But you should apply anyway. Why? As career coach Hallie Crawford says, “reaching is a way to grow as a professional and achieve new career goals.” Before you submit your resume and cover letter, however, there are at least seven things you should know about applying to a “reach position.” These insider tips and tricks will help you stand out from the crowd and score your dream “job. Read on to learn more. 1. You’ll have to battle hiring managers’ assumptions. It’s all but a fact: “Hiring managers will make assumptions based on your resume and cover letter,” warns millennial career expert Jill Jacinto . So, “it is your job to connect the dots for them before they place your resume in the no pile.” How can you do that? It’s easy, Jacinto promises. “Give them a clear understanding of not only why you are applying for this role but how your current skill set is a complement to the work that you will be doing,” she says. 2. Transferable skills will help you stand out in the right way. You may not meet all the requirements of your dream job. But rather than focusing on what you’re missing, highlight the skills you have that will help you succeed in any position- and you’ll catch a recruiter’s attention in the best way, says Crawford. “Maybe you don’t have a specific qualification, but you’ve already been using the skills the qualification demands in another way,” she says. “Make those your star stories to show you’re up for the challenge.” 3. Hiring managers want people open to learning new skills. You may believe it or not, but a willingness to learn what you don’t already know can be just as valuable as already having the knowledge when it comes to applying to a reach position. “Employers know that it will be almost impossible to find someone who can tick off all the boxes on their checklist,” Jacinto explains. “Instead, hiring managers are looking for people who are open to learning new skills.” In your application, “clearing highlighting the fact that you have been trained in other roles, have used new technology, or gone back to school to excel in a certain area helps show that you would be a good fit,” Jacinto says. 4. Sometimes it’s not what you know, but who you know.   Before you apply to a position that’s a couple steps above your current paygrade, consider setting up an informational interview with someone who already has your dream job. “Find out what else is needed to be successful at that position besides the qualifications you are lacking, such as soft skills,” instructs Crawford, who adds that , “this will help you feel more confident in an interview [as well as help you] to showcase what you do bring to the table.” 5. You can’t avoid the fact this is a reach for you. As much as you might like to do so, it’s not prudent to sweep the fact you’re “reaching” for this position under the rug. So, “don’t hope that the hiring manager doesn’t notice that you don’t meet all of the qualifications, especially if they were listed in the job description,” says Crawford. Instead, be proactive and “bring up the fact you are aware that you don’t meet all of the qualifications on paper, but also that you are ready and able to take on the position.” 6. Some hiring managers don’t know what they want- until they meet you.   Don’t count yourself out just because you don’t meet all of the qualifications a job requires, encourages Jacinto. “Hiring managers often do not necessarily know 100 percent what they want in a candidate until the right one walks into the door,” she points out. So, “use this as an opportunity to sell your background, skills, connections, enthusiasm, and references during your interview and within your cover letter.” And speaking of having references … What you may lack in experience or previous job titles you can make up for with glowing references. “ References are always important, but they’re especially important in this case,” says Crawford. “If a hiring manager is considering you despite your being underqualified, you want to make sure that your references will sing your praises .” Be sure to prepare a list in advance of your application, and don’t forget to reach out to each potential reference to make sure he or she is willing to provide a very positive review of your performance.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to stop your payday splurge according to 4 experts

How to stop your payday splurge according to 4 experts How to stop your payday splurge according to 4 experts Do you regularly find yourself with “more month than money”? Maybe it’s because of the lure of every payday, where you find your index finger yourself hovering over the Sephora app or whirling through another weekend of late-night drinks and early brunch, putting a dent in your paycheck before you’ve even had the chance to buy groceries. We talked to four diverse money experts about how you can be more mindful when you get that twice-monthly nut. Here’s how to squirrel it away and have strategies planned out beforehand before you hit “click purchase” or do anything you regret (or that isn’t returnable.)April Lane Benson, Ph.D., psychologist and  author of To Buy of Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop“There are rules you can follow and adopt â€" like commit to yourself that anything you put in your [online shopping] cart, you’re going to give yourself a 24-hour waiting period. And if you’re worried about missing out on [an item], it’s important to remem ber, a year from now, you will not remember what it is you missed out on. In the heat of the moment, you think the object is so much more important.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!I have people ask themselves six questions, and answer them preferably in writing before they make the purchase. Why am I here? How do I feel? Do I need this? What if I wait? How will I pay for it? Where will I put it? Why in writing? Because that gives it one more channel and one more delay.And if you still want to buy it after waiting 24 hours and going through this process, you do. Because you’ve thought it through. Even if it’s not the perfect purchase, it’s a step in the right direction.”Jean Chatzky, NBC TODAY financial expert and  author of Women with Money: The Judgement-Free Guide to Creating the Joyful, Less Stressed, Purposeful (and Yes, Rich) Life You Want“The first step is to document where you are splurging on [paydays]. For a month, make careful note of what you’re buying, because a lot of spending like this happens unconsciously. If you note where your money is going, then you have the opportunity to look backward, and decide if those particular splurges line up with your values and where you actually want your money to be going. And if they don’t, that gives you some ammunition to start to change it.The second thing is to allocate a particular amount of your money for splurging. You know you’re going to do it, you know you want to do it. Give yourself a splurge budget, so that when you spend, you’re not doing something that’s outside the lines, you’re doing something that’s planned.The final thing is to save. The other way to protect yourself from budget-busting is to fill those buckets in your budget that are non-negotiable and saving is one of them, preferably automatically.”Kelly Crane, financial planner, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Napa Valley Wealth Management“One of the ways you can deal with [payday splurge] that’s pretty easy and can be built upon is if you have â€" let’s say your paycheck is deposited into your checking account. At that same institution, you have your savings account or money market that’s linked to it. As soon as you get your deposit, the first thing you do is transfer some money or have it automatically taken from your checking to your savings. So that’s your medium-term account, and the idea is to build that up to be a reserve, so if you have a problem, you have some cash available.But the thing that makes it work really well is that once you at least have a little bit of money in there, now you can have your longer-term investments come out of that account. You could then direct money on a regular basis to your IRAs or your other accounts [like your 401k] where you’re trying to be a little more long-term.”Stefanie O’Connell, Millennial money expert and  author of The Broke and Beautiful Life“One of the ways to avoid that pinch of having more month left than money, spending too much on payday, is knowing how much we typically spend so we know how much we actually need to fulfill our monthly cost of living.Ӊ€œUsing an app like Mint that really tracks your financial in-flows and outflows so you can see in real time where you stand with your money in the moment is invaluable. The more mindful you are about how much your cost of living is on a month-to-m onth basis, the more freedom you’re going to have to spend the way that fulfills your needs without getting out of hand. It’s only when you run out of money because you splurged on something that day you got paid that you start really feeling that stress and overwhelm. Whereas if you are being really diligent and tracking and staying mindful of the money on a day to day basis â€" then you know exactly where you stand, and there’s a sense of power and control in that feeling.“[Also], create visual reminders for big-picture goals. It can be anything from trying to get out of debt to going on a vacation to paying for a wedding to financing a child’s education. Make that visual image part of your life. Make it the desktop background on your computer, your phone background. Print out a picture and put it in your wallet next to your credit cards, so that every time you’re thinking about making a purchase, you’re reminded of what that goal is.”You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ask for help This simple, surprising trick will improve your life

Ask for help This simple, surprising trick will improve your life Ask for help This simple, surprising trick will improve your life Everybody knows Steve Jobs, and most people are aware that his incredibly unique (and often controversial) mindset paved the way for big success at Apple.What most people don’t know is that he attributes much of his success to a mindset he developed at just age twelve.In an  interview  with Steve Jobs, he narrated how at just 12 years old, he decided to call no less than Bill Hewlett, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard, just to ask if Hewlett could give him some spare parts for the frequency counter that he was trying to build that time. Lo and behold, Hewlett willingly agreed to give him what he asked for and even offered him a summer job at his company to assemble frequency counters. The rest, as they say, is history.“Most people don’t get those experiences because they never ask. I never find anybody that didn’t want to help me if asked them for help.” -  Steve  Jobs.Many of us either have no idea that we could benefit from help, or are too afraid to come forward because we assume this is seen as weakness, or a lack of intelligence.However, the truth is that it takes a strong person to ask for help. The most successful people in this world could not have achieved all that they have without a little help along the way.The one piece of advice you need to hear as a current, or future, successful businessperson or entrepreneur is that it is absolutely acceptable?- ?and necessary?- ?to seek help when you need it.“You get in life what you have the courage to ask  for.” -  Oprah WinfreyA Harvard Business School Study called “Smart People Ask For (My) Advice: Seeking Advice Boosts Perceptions of Competence” even revealed that when a person seeks advice, it bounces back as a positive impression on them.When asking becomes an instinct rather than an effort, you will find that many opportunities are left undiscovered. You get to maximize all the chances to learn new things to  improve yourself  and find solutions to most critical conflicts that you may e ncounter.There are three simple steps for implementing this  habitFirst:you have to understand that if your goal is to succeed in your chosen career, you definitely need guidance from mentors, experts, or professionals. The truth is that they have more experience?- ?experience that you need in order for you to arrive at smarter decisions. This is a quality that  ultra-successful people have mastered  over time.Second:like Steve Jobs, know that there are inevitable instances when your resources?- ?whether tangible or not?- ?would be lacking. So if you wholeheartedly believe that you are an achiever and not just a dreamer, you know for a fact that you need to ask for  any available help.Depending on the scale, you can turn to your own  network  like family, friends, or colleagues, and even from  firms  that professionally do financial consultations.Third:Asking demands trust. The formula of trust is simple. If you want other people to trust you, you have to show them the same thing. F urthermore, in the road to becoming wealthy and successful, you need to gain trust of your stakeholders. As Susan Solovic, an award-winning entrepreneur and keynote speaker once said, “people do business with people they know, like, and trust.”The habit of asking might not be formed overnight. In fact for some, it could really be difficult. When you are discouraged to continue the principle of asking, remember that in order to make a difference, you have to constantly  move out of your comfort zone.  Nothing in life worth achieving is easy, but it is possible!Originally published at Thrive Global.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

At Netflix dinners employees go around and criticize eachother

At Netflix dinners employees go around and criticize eachother At Netflix dinners employees go around and criticize eachother Netflix’s 5,400 employees are encouraged to give blunt feedback to one another online, in person - and, on occasion, over dinner.The Wall Street Journal’s Shalini Ramachandran and Joe Flint spoke to more than 70 current and former Netflix employees  for a report, published Thursday, on the company’s radically transparent work culture.Not much is kept under wraps at the company. Higher-ups, including directors and executives,  can view the salary and pay history of each employee. Workers use a software called “360” for annual reviews - they can review any employee at the company, including CEO  Reed Hastings. Some executives choose to share their 360 feedback with their teams.And teams sometimes do a version of these reviews in person.Some teams at Netflix have dinners or lunches where coworkers take turns giving feedback or criticism to others sitting at the table, Ramachandran and Flint reported. Executives call it “real-time 360.Ӊ€œIt can be intense and awkward,” Brandon Welch, a former talent executive, told The Journal.Employees are encouraged to be as forthcoming as possible with feedback, and managers are expected to be honest about any skills needed. One of the most intense examples of this transparent culture is the “keeper test.”Netflix’s company-culture webpage says: “We focus on managers’ judgment through the ‘keeper test’ for each of their people: If one of the members of the team was thinking of leaving for another firm, would the manager try hard to keep them from leaving?”Business Insider’s Nathan McAlone  previously reported  that those who don’t pass the test are given a severance package and dismissed. The Journal report said Hastings even used it to decide to  fire his product chief and friend  who had spent 18 years at the company.The Journal said some managers felt pressure to fire people or risked “looking soft” to other executives.Last year, Netflix’s involuntary departure rate was 8% rate, abo ve the 6% US average, The Journal reported. But Netflix said it had an 11% annual turnover rate, lower than the 13% average for tech companies.Netflix disagreed with characterizations of its culture as harsh, noting to The Journal that it ranked second on  Comparably’s “Happiest Employees 2018” list.In response to The Journal’s article,  Netflix told Business Insider’s Travis Clark in a statement:“We believe strongly in maintaining a high performance culture and giving people the freedom to do their best work. Fewer controls and greater accountability enable our employees to thrive, making smarter, more creative decisions, which means even better entertainment for our members. While we believe parts of this piece do not reflect how most employees experience Netflix, we’re constantly working to learn and improve.”This article was originally published on BusinessInsider.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Top Industries for Union Jobs in America

Top Industries for Union Jobs in America Top Industries for Union Jobs in America Are you interested in joining a union? What are some of the best union jobs you can work at? Workers who belong to a labor union typically have higher pay and better benefits and retirement packages than non-union workers. BenefitsPlus reports that union employees make an average of 30 percent more than non-union workers, 92 percent of union workers have job-related health coverage compared to 68 percent of non-union workers, and union employees are more likely to have guaranteed pensions. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that union members had median weekly earnings of $1,041 in 2017, while those who did not belong to a union had median weekly earnings of $829. While union membership has dropped overall from its peak in the 1980s, The Atlantic reports that white-collar union membership in professional and technical occupations is growing. Education, training, and library jobs are occupations with a high rate (33.5 percent) of union membership. By comparison, Construction has 14 percent of employed workers belonging to a union, down from 18 percent in 1995. Who Belongs to a Union? There are union members in almost every employment sector working at many different types of jobs, including blue-collar skilled trades and factory workers, civil service administrative and management employees, and professionals working in higher education, healthcare, and government. The public sector has the highest percentage of union workers (34.4 percent)Protective services occupations (corrections officers, firefighters, police, and fire inspectors) have the highest percentage (34.7 percent) of employees who are members of a union. The private sector is comprised of only 6.5 percent union members. Top 8 Industries for Union Jobs Some industries are traditionally more union-based than others, with the union membership rate of public sector workers (34.4 percent) being five times higher than that of private sector workers (6.5 percent). Depending on the occupation, there are other industries that have a high number of well-paid union jobs. Not all jobs listed for each industry are union positions. Many industries have a combination of union and non-union workers, depending on the employer, occupation, and collective bargaining agreements. Here are some of the jobs available in the industries with the most union workers. 1. Public Sector Member of Unions: Federal: 26.6 percent, State: 30.3 percent, Local 40.1 percentTypes of Jobs: In 2017, 7.2 million employees in the Public sector belonged to a union, compared with 7.6 million workers in the private sector. The union membership rate was highest in local government, where there are many workers in unionized occupations, such as teachers, police officers, and firefighters. The occupations in the public sector are as varied as the private sector. The main difference is that you̢۪re working for the government instead of a private employer, and you may need to take a civil service exam to apply. You̢۪ll be able to apply online for many government jobs. 2. Utilities Members of unions: 23 percentTypes of Jobs: The Utilities sector includes organizations engaged in the provision of utility services, including electric power, natural gas, steam supply, water supply, and sewage removal. The top jobs in this sector include control and valve installers and repairers, electrical engineers, electrical power-line installers and repairers, first-line supervisors/managers, and meter readers. 3. Transportation Members of unions: 17.3 percentTypes of Jobs: The Transportation and Warehousing sector include the transportation of passengers and cargo, warehousing and storage for goods, scenic and sightseeing transportation, and support activities. Jobs in this sector include airline pilots, copilots and flight engineers, school bus drivers, railroad conductors and yardmasters, sailors and marine oilers, and heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers. 4. Telecommunications Members of unions: 16.1 percentTypes of Jobs: Telecommunications provides access to and operates facilities for the transmission of voice, data, text, sound, and video. Transmission facilities may be based on a single technology or a combination of technologies. Occupations in the telecommunications industry include customer service representatives, electronics engineers, first-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers, equipment installers and repairers, and line installers and repairers. 5. Construction Members of unions: 14.0 percentTypes of Jobs: The Construction sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in the construction of buildings or engineering projects. The top construction jobs include carpenters, construction laborers, construction managers, electricians, operating engineers, and other construction equipment operators. 6. Educational Services Members of unions: 11.4 percentTypes of Jobs: The Educational Services sector includes schools, colleges, universities, and training centers that provide instruction and training in a wide variety of subjects. The top occupations in the education sector include elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers and administrators, and teacher assistants. 7. Motion Pictures and Sound Recording Members of unions: 11.4 percentTypes of Jobs: The Motion Pictures and Sound Recording sector includes establishments involved in the production and distribution of motion pictures and sound recordings. Professions in this sector include actors, audio and video equipment technicians, motion picture projectionists, and producers and directors. 8. Manufacturing Members of unions: 9.1 percentTypes of Jobs: The Manufacturing sector includes plants, factories, or mills that are engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials into new products. Occupations in this sector include assembly workers, production workers, inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers and weighers, machinists, and purchasing agents. How to Find a Union Job If you̢۪re just starting out your career or looking for a change, a union apprenticeship program can provide you with the skills you need to get started in the construction or manufacturing industries. If you̢۪re interested in administration or professional positions, civil services jobs are available at every level of federal, state, and local government. USAJobs lists federal employment opportunities. Check your state and local government websites for information on job openings and civil service exams in your location. The Union Jobs Clearinghouse lists open union and socially allied job openings, as well as job postings from community organizations. Job seekers can review labor union staff positions, education and trades jobs, national job openings, and positions listed by state. The site also promotes available jobs on Facebook and Twitter. Follow them to get the latest postings. Other union job search options include utilizing job boards, labor union and labor council websites, and the CareerOneStop Apprenticeship Finder Tool. Trade school programs can provide the training necessary for some union positions. Location makes a difference when you̢۪re looking to work for a union. New York has the highest union membership rate (23.8 percent), followed by Hawaii (22.9 percent), while South Carolina has the lowest (2.6 percent). The Mercury News reports that California is responsible for 59 percent of the union jobs created since 2010. Sources: The Bureau of Labor Statistics̢۪ Occupational Outlook Handbook, Employment Projections Summary, Industries at a Glance, and Union Members Summary and Tables

Monday, November 11, 2019

How To Make Your Resume Age Discrimination Proof

How To Make Your Resume Age Discrimination â€" Proof ?How To Make Your Resume Age Discrimination â€" Proof Age discrimination is real. But it’s not an impossible hurdle to leap. Candidates over age 50 are taking longer to get hired, according to statistics. But they are, in fact, getting hired. ??What’s the difference between those who endure long job searches, and those who land what they want with a lot less effort? Candidates win by knowing what they can control, the doing so. The critical element 100% within your control is your resume. Leverage this as your opportunity to brand yourself in a unique and engaging manner. Brand Yourself Right Away In reviewing resumes, far too often the initial words that come across are, “dynamic” and “results-oriented” two phrases that tell the employers and recruiters absolutely nothing. The other consistent offender is, “experienced.” Don’t day you’re experienced. Just illustrate your relevant experience. Make sure you start strong. Say what you do and how you deliver impact. For example, “National Sales Director who drives multi-millions in new revenue through strategic channel relationships.” When your audience knows in the 1st glance what you can come in and do for them without having to hunt all over the resume they’ll be more impressed with that, and less concerned with doing the quick math to guess how old you are. Strengthen Your Experience Far too often, candidates separated from traditional employment who take up consulting present this in a weak manner. If you weren’t truly consulting, but are trying to fill in the unemployment gap with empty words, then take a different approach. It will be better in that case to simply present your most recent employer, but de-emphasize the dates. Think of consulting work as real work, and present it as such. Present Your projects paid, free, part-time, short-term, projects for clients, and project for friends can be your bulleted achievements. Illustrate what you did in specific detail generalities fall flat. Who called on you to do the project. You don’t have to violate confidentiality by revealing the name of the person or organization. Simply describe, for example, “A regional IT services firm in Philadelphia.” Next, what did they ask you to do? Don’t present the whole project brief. Simply fill in the 2nd half of this sentence: “This was a project to do ____________.” Finally, what results did you deliver? What did the project achieve? Incorporate measurable impact, in dollars or percentages. Mapped out the project but didn’t execute it? Project the dollars to be earned or save and include that. The stories you tell on your resume are 100% yours. You select them. You present them. You leverage them in your interview. To make sure you’re remembered for more than just your age, take control of your brand and your story. Branding is the 1st component in launching a successful job search that comes to the conclusion you want in the time frame you need. There’s a cheat sheet and video training specifically for age 50+ jobseekers that walks you through the exact right steps in the exact right order. Download yours today. You’ll see case studies of how candidates age 56, 57, and 59 used this method to not only get employed, but also capture a commendable salary increase.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Foolproof How to Make a Job Resume Strategy

The Foolproof How to Make a Job Resume Strategy There's no human oversight, Stern explained. Most importantly, your resume should be consistent, concise, and clear and simple to read. As soon as it's only a page or two in length, a resume is among the most important components of a work application. To create the job resume sites conventional, you need to take advantage of typical format for organization letter. The Little-Known Secrets to How to Make a Job Resume Ensure you differentiate between businesses and jobs by utilizing bold and italic text styles. You haven't anything to be worried about when ordering from our internet site. Download the internet Casino software today and you may play our completely free casino online, and be on your way to the fun and excitement of Vegas style internet casino gaming! Well, a part of software analyzes your resume for sure key phrases and provides you a score based how well your resume matches a predetermined collection of keywords chosen by the business you're interviewing with. Try to remember the idea of Less Is More and filter the information that you put in your job program, only including the relevant particulars. You have to offer relevant, concise info. Use the checklist to be certain you have included all appropriate data in your resume. All information provided needs to be thought to be fictional. Using How to Make a Job Resume There's always a gimmick of some kind attached to free merchandise, completely free vitamins, totally free resumes and completely free anything. Ultimately, you would like the space in your resume to get optimized while still keeping up the relevance of every info you include. There are a lot of standard forms of resumes used to make an application for job openings. If you decide not to use a particular option leave it blank and it'll be ignored when making your resume. Locate a company in which you fit in. The way to make a professional resume. What Everybody D islikes About How to Make a Job Resume and Why Rather than relying on another person to do your work for you, you can take on such a task and make a resume that is going to be truly you in every manner. Well, regardless of what stage you're in your career, you're likely to should understand how to make a resume for a job interview and we are likely to demonstrate how! Whether you are searching for your very first job or attempting to earn a career change, the approach starts with your resume. There may be several reasons for changing your existing job. If you would like to create a great resume, you must understand what a great resume looks like. Speaking of unique, the most important target of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also known as resume verbs). There are a few things that don't belong on a resume for work. When it's an informational interview, an open home or an official interview, always arrive about ten minutes early. The Ultimate How to Make a Job Resume Trick The work description might also earn a difference. You need to work separately for every work application. After you receive a task done from us you will return again if you need assistance with another one of your essays. Think about job resume sites as a system, which you may logically generates to be in a position to target a particular job and to receive the center of the organization. Acquiring the wis dom of the most important benefit and possible downside concerning event planning certifications could possibly aid you in generating a decision whether you must be a certified event planner. The perfect way to manage such situations is by weighing the advantages and disadvantages. Now because you've already got an idea the explanations for why it is vital become a certified event planner, it's the correct time for you to earn a choice. If your skills are employed in the most suitable fashion, then do not leave your present organization. Who Else Wants to Learn About How to Make a Job Resume? To begin with, anyone that are obviously wonderful vacation essay. So, here're some proficient strategies about how you can create your job resume appealing. Short, one-page resumes are well suited for fresh graduates. There are lots of examples of resumes, but you need to remain certain to create your resume and cover letter with your very own personal touch. How to Make a Job Resume - Is it a Scam? One must work really difficult to outlast law school and to turn into a lawyer. Finding that dream job is easy with the assistance of a terrific lawyer resume. Why it's important to be Certified There are many certification programs readily accessible and is very much recommended to have lots of learning as you are able to deal with. Make your very first order at the moment and find the help you need whenever possible. Besides helping your resume get selected, it's also going to help the hiring manager see how your abilities and experiences make you a perfect candidate for the particular job. Resume Builder makes it fast and simple to produce the powerful, professional resume hiring managers want to get. The firm you're working may be downsizing or unable to become excellent projects. Sure, you may not have direct expertise in a particular industry or job, but you will need to prove to any hiring manager that your present skills are, in truth, transferable skills.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Do This, Get That Guide On Communication Skills on Resume

The Do This, Get That Guide On Communication Skills on Resume The Communication Skills on Resume Game You can construct your own blog to display your marketing and advertising skills. While presenting with confidence is a significant portion of the workplace, you always ought to be respectful in conversation. Whenever you're prepared to submit an application for a job, first look at the work description and highlight the points and abilities that seem important. Hard skills can be classified in various ways, depending upon your job title. Bank tellers have an extremely particular set of responsibilities. Luckily, you can acquire cash handling skills in many different positions. While bank teller jobs can act as a great way to enter the area of finance, it's important that you demonstrate that you have the essential skills to serve as the surface of the branch. When it has to do with corporate success, communication skills play a crucial part in advancing your career. Writing is a daily portion of several jobs and it's a significant part communication. Among the skills that differentiates leadership from many different competencies is the capability to teach and mentor. The majority of us have seen the outcomes of both effective and ineffective leaders at work. Many candidates seek the aid of professional resume writers. Very good leaders are skilled at problem-solving problems that arise at work. If being a leader is just one of your career objectives, you should incorporate leadership skills on your resume. Hard skills are quantifiable and frequently learned from school or at work. Truly, it's a skill that has to be learned and practiced. If you're able to clearly demonstrate that you've got strong communication skills on your resume you will improve your probability of obtaining a very first interview since they are some of the greatest skills to put on a resume. You've got to curate the few skills which are most relevant to them. Leadership isn't just a single skill but instead a combo of numerous distinct skills working together. Giving training sessions demands lots of communication abilities. Therefore, if you come to an interview, the deficiency of Soft Skills may be one reason you weren't chosen for the job. Giving presentations demonstrates you could engage with large audiences. Communication Skills on Resume - What Is It? Although it seems as though it ought to be included in non-verbal communication, HR managers like to differentiate here, as it's a significant part of occupational dialogue. You'll also have to work on your interpersonal abilities, including developing a larger feeling of empathy. Everything from your resume to the work interview and beyond will call for different kinds of communication abilities. In the interview, you might be requested to provide a good example of when you have exercised good communication skills previously. Your promotion manager resume summary is the surface of your sales funnel. 1 Actually, in marketing, it's what you say and the way you say it. Marketing calls for a particular set of communication tools. Consider the social networking marketing resume examples above. You should compose a resume which is a small different for each work application. Each interpersonal skill needs to be demonstrated by utilizing evidence. Most jobs require that you have a fundamental comprehension of computer programs including Excel and Microsoft Office, and skills in internet navigation, social networking sites and email systems. For instance, if you're asking for a customer service job which includes regular correspondence, describe your experience writing skilled business letters.

Friday, November 8, 2019

What You Dont Know About Resumegenuis Could Be Costing to More Than You Think

What You Don't Know About Resumegenuis Could Be Costing to More Than You Think To find expert job resumes! If you're prepared to commute to Georgia also take a look at the Employ Georgia website to hunt for jobs. If you opt to click the links on our website, we might get compensation. For help writing your resume, visit the Resume Center and select the particular aspects of resume writing that you want to improve upon. Using Resumegenuis If you are searching for a top quality resume or cover letter which will help you land the job of your dreams, this provider really isn't the ideal option. Focus on how you're an advantage to the companynot the way the corporation can help you. Make certain it's tailored to not merely the position, but the provider too. These five are a few of the most trusted resume writing services providers who have helped and yet helping many folks in receiving the best quality professional resumes to acquire their jobs. The sample text is provided to a ssist you, but keep in mind that you're able to change it easily to fit your abilities and experience. ResumeBucket is another resume builder that has pre-written abilities and work experience inserts for many different employment types. Or you may select a pre-written resume from your area. For students fresh out of college, however, it's the other way around and not simply because it helps fill the essential space. Resumegenuis for Dummies To assist you navigate this important part of your resume, we have assembled a collection of example objective statements that you are able to utilize to come up with your own. The following is an instance of a chronological resume. This section is designed to show you that there's a large number of ways that you can write, structure or format your resume. Then take a look at the following resume writing tips to learn to compose a resume optimizing each section for greatest success. Resumegenuis: No Longer a Mystery When writing your resume objective, you need to always have the aim of answering this question. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. For instance, when applying for a teaching position, a thesis in teaching methodology is something which can score you a great deal of points with the HR department, leading to work interview. You may proactively tell the reader you will follow up at a specific point in time. Also, the author should make them believe they're compatible of building a career change, ensuring they would definitely do well in the new industry. If you're not acquainted with resume writing, we advise that you read the articles about how to compose a resume, how to format a resume and the way to structure a resume. The candidate would need to share the work description so the writer receives a very clear understanding about the requirement of the position. What Everybody Dislikes About Resumegenuis and Why The resume builder tool features over 20 templates for you to select from. The easy resume builder will supply you with instructions about how to fill in each blank space. Looking at other resume examples when you're done with a draft of your resume will permit you to be more critical. Pick a resume builder template to start. Resumegenuis: No Longer a Mystery You can accomplish this w ith the overall look and layout of your letter. It ought to be in a crystal clear and easily readable font, well laid out, and if you're mailing your letter use decent high quality stationery. No template was created to include photos or eye-catching colours. Maybe you're looking for a specific style of cover letter. The True Meaning of Resumegenuis If you intend to use a template, you also need to opt for the correct one for the letter. You also need to pick the suitable template for the letter. From that point, you are going to be in a position to experience the text edition of the resumes, and see an image of the formatted resumes. This type of the Nurse Resume is an illustration of a cyber-safe chronological resume. Resumegenuis Secrets That No One Else Knows About This resource will allow you to find the tools you require to research career info, training, or jobs. Whenever you have information regarding the business and their requirements, you are able to then high light your relevant skills and achievements to demonstrate why you're the person for the job. Lots of people don't like their present job or career. When there's an open Doe Run job that fits with your abilities and interests, we will connect with you. Ruthless Resumegenuis Strategies Exploited Don't forget, you're not required to include your reason behind resigning in your letter. However bitter you're, resist the need to vent in your resignation letter, Salemi explained. One of the very first things to keep in mind about writing a cover letter is that you ought to tailor it to the particular position. If you are in need of a small assistance with writing your next cover letter, here are a few strategies and templates to assist. You may also access lots of totally free letter samples for various industries and a completely free cover letter writing guide. Sample cover letters to find the job that you desire. Take advantage of these cover letter samples to receive your job application noticed. Resumegenuis Secrets Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. The time spent working on your resume isn't wasted. Summarize why you're the ideal person for the job. You may find several great resume templates, but you are going to have to decide if they're likely to help or hurt your likelihood of landing an interview.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What the Experts Arent Saying About Margins for a Resume and How This impacts You

What the Experts Aren't Saying About Margins for a Resume and How This impacts You Things You Won't Like About Margins for a Resume and Things You Will Make your very first order at this time and find the help you need whenever possible. Even though the majority of the work search happens online, a hard copy of your resume is still critical. Your resume must make them obvious. Your goal in constructing your resume is to make an effective marketing and advertising tool. Finding the Best Margins for a Resume Resume objective samples could possibly be obtainable. Investment Banking Resume Templates Investment banks are trending nowadays because of the growing number of global financial institutions and companies. Order of Sections How you present the info in your resume is nearly as crucial as the content. Mortgage Banking Resume Templates As its name connotes, mortgage banks offer you mortgage-related transactions and solutions. New Step by Step Roadmap for Margins for a R esume A simple resume template is going to be your very best bet. See the very first image below as an illustration of what you might find entered there. So before ensuring you have made your resume simple and organized, ensure the format you're using is proper. There are many different strategies to format your resume. Should you need additional paragraphs, just hit tab before you start typing. Apart from your name, which ought to be a bit bigger, the font size throughout your resume should be the very same size to guarantee readability. Experimenting with different dimensions and styles can make sure you pick the most efficient font for your purposes. Small margins together with your small font size may make your resume very tough to read. A functional resume format might be better for you. During the time you're formatting text, focus on the style, also called the font, of the text. The conventional document margins in conjunction with the default font settings limit the quantity of characters you may fit within a line of text to about 90 at the maximum. You should stick to the exact same format throughout your resume. Choosing Good Margins for a Resume Employers have only a quick time to check through your resume, which means that your formatting decisions should make information clear and simple to find. If a work listing doesn't mention references, the very best policy isn't to list them whatsoever. One of the absolute most critical mistakes made on resumes is using passive, vague wording. While a lot of the information on your resume should begin with a left-margin, it's proper to begin some information with a right-margin to created a balanced appearance. The 5-Minute Rule for Margins for a Resume The v ery first thing you ought to do is make sure a possible employer knows whose resume they're taking a look at! By following a number of straightforward suggestions you are able to create a simple to read resume that highlights your abilities and work experience. Choosing which to use depends upon the sort of job that you are applying for and your degree of experience. Whether you're looking for your very first job or seeking to earn a career change, the procedure starts with your resume. Whether you're a recent graduate or a career changer, understanding how to compose a resume whenever you have zero work experience may appear daunting. If you own a lot of work experience, only incorporate the positions you have held over the previous five decades. All you need to do is list the skills you have that also appear in the work offer. Let's begin by viewing the 3 key forms of resumes and which would be ideal for you. Margins for a Resume at a Glance Whether you're a graduate, professional or executive, a well crafted cover letter can provide you the edge when it has to do with getting interviews. The information that you include in your resume and the layout of your resume will ride on your abilities and experience in connection with your career objective. You also might need to put things like education and skills lists into columns to conserve space. You may wish to generate your resume important to every undertaking. Your employer would like to see your latest abilities and experience. Emphasize what you've actually accomplished and why you're unique as an applicant. Applicants who've been in the workforce for any number of years, possibly at various companies, may have to be selective in detailing expert progress. Finding the Best Margins for a Resume For instance, it can explain methods to construct your CV. You also only have one page to capture every one of the attributes you would like to share. Formatting your resume is a significant step in making a professional, readable resume. Perhaps you can share some examples.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Ruthless Languages in Resume Strategies Exploited

Ruthless Languages in Resume Strategies Exploited Languages in Resume Ideas The capacity to understand business is going to be a point for him with the UN. Seek assistance from various other members so it is possible to connect with the correct people within the industry. By way of example, foreign workers may not have the ability to use company software until it's translated in their native tongue. If language is a huge region of the job requirements, put it toward the peak of your responsibility list. In that case, then you need to certainly include things like certain facts about your degree of familiarity with the needed language. The speed by which you're ready to understand resume remains measured and there's still uncertainty in your selection of words. There are occasions when it could make sense to depart from your language skills off your CV. The speed by which you're ready to comprehend sentences remains measured and there's still uncertainty in your selection o f words. In general, you will want to take into consideration the kind of work you're doing and the aims of the business to assess whether you need resume language abilities and what emphasis they ought to be given. When you've decided where to set your language skills, your next task is to establish how to describe them. As stated previously may also weave language training and experience into the distinctive abilities or private details list toward the base of your resume. Having said this, mastery of a foreign language is a superior means to further your career. The capability to speak different foreign languages will always be thought of as a strong point irrespective of the particular needs of the work position. If a particular language is essential for any particular position, you can take an acceptable certification exam. Knowing a foreign language can assist you in many elements of your life. You may also read some strategies and advice for the work interview. Your resume creates the very first impression of you so it must present your finest attributes in order to meet the requirements for an interview. Within special abilities or individual specifics. Browse some other relevant resumes below and locate your inspiration. You may have a well-paying career for a Translator. Recruiters understand what you're up to! Resumes and CVs are two terms that might be used interchangeably. Embassies likewise require good translators. Based on wh ich airline you work for, several of these top airlines will start looking for flight attendants that could speak a foreign language. You ought to have a particular languages' section which gives more thorough info on your ability. Language is a tricky point to describe, since proficiency can arrive in many forms and people who learn second languages often only have true proficiency in some specific regions of the language. English is now a global language. In several of these nations, English isn't the official language. English is really the most important global language to speak. You also need to attempt to deal with your career objectives and mention the organization or school you're applying to by name so the hiring authority knows you are dedicated to working for them. When a lot of men and women say I will learn a new language this year they never really think about the significance of learning a foreign language and the way it can help them for a long time to come. It is very important to show you have skills that allow you to manage people effectively. Even when you should study the language for a couple of months you'd be well equipped to hold a little conversation with anyone in the region y ou travel to. The New Angle On Languages in Resume Just Released Proficiency linguistic stipulations, proficiency doesn't translate to the identical meaning as fluent. In addition, your skills could set you in line for a promotion. Additionally, you'd be in a position to explain what that degree of proficiency means in practice. You should first evaluate your degree of proficiency so that you can accurately present it in your resume.