Monday, December 30, 2019

How To Satiate Demand for More College Grads

How To Satiate Demand for More College Grads How To Satiate Demand for More College Grads Overall, the report (PDF) said, degrees in business, engineering, computer/information science, sciences, and communications disciplines are going to be most in demand by employers. Now the employers just have to find the soon-to-be-minted college graduates to hire.Texas AM offers some strong advice that can be helpful to both on-campus recruiters and prospective graduates looking for work. On its career center website, the university says, The key to successful recruiting is building and maintaining a presence on campus. Organizations who enjoy the most success are those who have name recognition and a positive image with students. In order to attain a higher level of campus presence, employers are encouraged to use an integrated approach involving a variety of activities.The universitys first suggestion is participation in on-campus career fairs. OK, so not all of the advice is revolutionary but its good to cover the basics. When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he answered, Because thats where the money is. Potential employees are going to be at career fairs.Avail yourself of any job posting sites universities and colleges have to offer. Theyre a common way for prospective grads and recent alum to see what you have to offer.Use any online-recruitment tools that universities and colleges have to offer. The career centers will provide you spots for on-campus interviews.Host an information session on campus. Its good marketing for getting your brand in front of the students. As Texas AM points out, it allows businesses to explaintheir organizations to students, rather than use interview time for this purpose. Othersuse these sessions to observe and interact with interview candidates in a less structuredenvironment.This wont help you during spring recruitment drives, but it does lay the foundation for future hiring. The university recommends providing students with learning opportunities while exposing them to your organization by offering internship, cooperative education, or externship opportunities. Test out potential hires before graduation and enhance your staffing resources. As the university points out, once a student has gone through your organization as an intern, he or she becomes a brand ambassador for you on campus.Texas AM says companies can also have success by volunteering on campus. Its career center programs, for example, include mock interviews, the company visit, career profiling, and interview techniques. Again, as with the information sessions, it helps recruiters be seen in a more informal light outside of the formal interview and it also helps students get to know your brand as being community minded and informed because of your expert presence on topics important to them.Of course, money goes a long way in your recruiting efforts, too. Texas AM says (and its hardly unique among institutions of higher learning), Ge nerous contributions from employer partners have enabled The Career Center to expand services and resources to better serve students and employers. As a result of their highly visible contributions, employers have enjoyed a competitive advantage through enhanced werbung and the opportunity to work directly with staff.All of the above advice works for students, too. Take part when a company you are interested in comes to campus and youll get noticed by company recruiters in a less formal setting. Career center fairs, sessions on mock interviews and career profiling, as well as interview techniques are all forms of networking that will be valuable tools to develop further along in your career.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

25 job interview questions to get the job Ladders 2018 Interviews Guide

25 job interview questions to get the job Ladders 2018 Interviews Guide25 job interview questions to get the job Ladders 2018 Interviews GuideIve assembled the following 25 job interview questions for you to ask the HR person, the recruiter, the hiring manager, and the other people with whom you interview.These are useful because they are open-ended enough for an answer to be revealing, while relevant enough to the context of an interview to seem sensible. They dont feel very threatening to ask - they allow you to feel sharp - and yet they can produce reams and reams of insight into the heart of the operation and its people.As a rubric for scoring opportunities, you might ask yourself about each role for which you interviewCompetitors business - What worries you about the business, what opportunities do you see? What are the growth prospects for the business?kollektiv - How do you like the folks on the gruppe, is team composition right, is there anything missing that will make y our job difficult?Work-life balance - Do they work too much or too little? How much ambition are you looking for? Are nights / weekends / vacations sacrosanct or a cause for more work?The work - Is it high-level, low-level, managing, doing, thinking, travel?The pay and benefits - Is it enough cash now, is it enough cash later, is there room for advancement? Are the core benefits and fringe benefits good?With that introduction, here are your 25 easy-to-ask, revealing-to-answer questions to take to a job interview.25 great job interview questionsWhats the biggest change your group has gone through in the last year? Is the improving economy also improving your business, or not yet?Which competitor worries you the most?If I get the job, how do I earn a perfect score on my performance review? What are the key accomplishments youd like to see in this role over the next year?What are the three things I can contribute in the first 100 days to make you feel great about hiring me? What are the most important things to the success of this role overall?Whats your (or my future bosss) leadership style?How does sales / operations / technology / marketing / finance work around here? (I.e., groups other than the one youre interviewing for).What type of people are successful here? What type of people are not?Whats one thing thats key to this companys success that somebody from outside the company wouldnt know about?How did you get your start in this industry? Why do you stay? (Asked well - i.e., asking the question and then not interrupting at all - this question alone can have your interviewer chatting away for 10 or 20 minutes of fond reminisces.)What are your groups best and worst working relationships with other groups in the company? What are the pain points you have to deal with day-to-day?What keeps you up at night? Whats your biggest worry these days?Who are my customers (internal or external) and how do they measure me / us? Who views me (my team) as a customer ( internal or external)?Whats the timeline for making a decision on this position? When should I get back in touch with you?The economy has been getting better, and theres a lot of hiring going on. Why did you decide to prioritize this position instead of the many others you could have hired for?What is your reward system? Is it a star system / team-oriented / equity-based / bonus-based / pat-on-the-back-based? Why is that your reward system? What do you hope to get out of it, and what actually happens when you put it into practice? What are the positives and the negatives of your reward system? If you could change any one thing, what would it be?What does success for this group / team / company look like in one year? In five years?What information is shared with the employees (revenues, costs, operating metrics)? Is this an open book shop, or do you play it closer to the vest? How is information shared? How do I get access to the information I need to be successful in this job?If we are going to have a very successful year in 2019, what will that look like? What will we have done in the time before then to make it successful? How does this position help achieve those goals? (This question helps show your ability to look beyond todays duties to the future more than a year away.)How does the company / my future boss do performance reviews? How do I make the most of the performance review process to ensure that Im doing the best I can for the company?What is the rhythm to the work around here? Is there a time of year that its all hands on deck and were pulling all-nighters, or is it pretty consistent throughout the year? How about during the week / month? Is it pretty evenly spread throughout the week / month, or are there crunch days?What type of industry / functional / skills-based experience and hintergrund are you looking for in the person who will fill this position? What would the perfect candidate look like? How do you assess my experience in comparison? Wh at gaps do you see?What is your (or my future boss) hiring philosophy? Is it hire the attitude / teach the skills or are you primarily looking to add people with domain expertise first and foremost?Is this a new position, or an existing position? If new, why was it created and what are the expectations? If an existing position, where did the prior person go? What were the things that person did really well, that you hope to see in the next person? What are the things you hope will change?In my career, Ive primarily enjoyed working with big / small / growing / independent / private / public / family-run companies. If thats the case, how successful will I be at your firm?Who are the heroes at your company? What characteristics do the people who are most celebrated have in common with each other? Conversely, what are the characteristics that are common to the promising people you hired, but who then flamed out and failed or left? As Im considering whether or not Id be successful here, how should I think about the experiences of the heroes and of the flame-outs?The bottom lineYou may want to score these answers along the framework I created above, or on a framework of your own making. Or you may focus entirely on the qualitative side of your conversations.In any event, this list of questions enables you to come to every interview with a few good questions.Remember, asking questions in interviews is only 50% about addressing your needs, explaining the role to you, and satisfying your curiosity. The other 50% of asking questions is showing your capability for critical thinking about the company, the industry, and the role.Using your question time to show off your good noodle by asking (brief) insightful questions, is a much better use of the time than saying that you have no questions.One last great question to ask at a job interview to keep in your back pocketAnd if you somehow run out of questions - even after reading this list - there is the great, all-purpose, anytime, anyplace question to ask, that you can always rememberIs there anything else I shouldve asked but didnt?This article is adapted fromLadders 2018 Interviews Guide 74 Questions That Will Land You the Job (Ladders 2018 Guide). Purchase the Kindle Single for immediate download here.**Disclosure Ladders from time-to-time uses affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, we will receive a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Friday, December 20, 2019

4 Productivity Tips for Remote Workers

4 Productivity Tips for Remote Workers4 Productivity Tips for Remote WorkersRemote working jobs are on the rise. Now, many employees can work from home as they please, or even live in a different city than their employers. This ability provides modern workers with the flexibility and work-life balance theyre often craving in our contemporary technology-driven reality.Along with the benefits of remote work comes an array of challenges for both employers and employees. Employers have to figure out how to efficiently manage and treat their remote workers, while remote workers have to figure out how to work effectively and autonomously.Luckily, there are plenty of tools and resources available that make remotejobs easier to navigate than ever before. Consider these four tips when you begin your research on how to become a successful remoteemployee.1. Get Set UpOne key to being the best remote worker you can be is making sure you have sufficient space to work in. mora specifically, you sh ould designate a physical workspace in your house where only work occurs to properly switch your brain into work mode. If you dont have enough free space in your home to have a full office, designate one desk or chair to help with productivity. Consider ergonomics when setting up your workspace choose your chair wisely, prop up your laptop to the appropriate height, and make sure theres room for your feet to lay flat on the ground. Making these physical changes at the start of your day helps your brain transition from personal time to work time, making you a more focused worker.2.Designate HoursWhile remote work often allows you to set your own hours, a lack of structure can be detrimental to your workflow. Rather than flying by the seat of your pants on any given day, dictate what hours you plan to work at the start of the week and stick to them. Utilize a digital calendar toolto let coworkers know what your working hours are, so they can know when its appropriate to ask you questi ons, or when you should be left alone. Schedule your hours around appointments, lunch, and other activities just as you would at an office job, but be sure to pencil those into your calendar as well, for full transparency.3.Take BreaksTry your best to mimic from home the saatkorn habits you would as if you were working in a physical office, such as taking a moment to chat with coworkers or grabbing a cup of coffee at your local cafe. Neglecting to step away from your desk can lead to feeling isolated and ultimately burning out. Get creative with your breaks and run out for lunch with a friend or take a walk around the block to get some fresh air. Essentially, anything you can do to give your brain and body a break will be beneficial to your overall experience and productivity while working virtually.4.Use Reliable ToolsBecause of the great distance between coworkers and clients, virtual employees rely on the right tools to productively communicate throughout the day. Having poor cal l-quality on client calls can be detrimental to those relationships, so utilizing a reliable phone system is crucial. Luckily, VoIP phone servicesalleviate this issue by allowing you to make crystal clear calls through your Internetconnection. On top of having reliable phone lines, youll need reliable chat channels and video conferencing tools to communicate with coworkers and managers as well. After all, constant communication is crucial for both team and individual success, and facilitating that from afar can be made much easier with the use of these tools.A Final NoteRemote work is a workplace trend that will undoubtedly continue to grow as the tools and technologies companies use for communication improve. When done the right way, a remote job can provide both workers and their companies with a healthy balance of freedom, flexibility, and production. Using the tips above can serveas a guide for how to make remote work as effective aspossible.Anna is a business content specialist who focuses on the ever-evolving communication landscape- consisting of tools, solutions, and technology- that make remotework possible.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Make Your Work-Life Balance a Priority

Make Your Work-Life Balance a PriorityMake Your Work-Life Balance a PriorityPut these tips to practice to get more done, be happier at work, and spend more time with loved ones.If achieving greater work-life balance was one of your resolutions for the New Year, youre not alone. An iVillage survey found that of 1,500 women polled online, 89 percent defined career success as the flexibility to balance life and work. Here are six practical tips to help you improve your work-life balance.Clean out your inbox before work.The more productive you are at work, the easier it will be to leave the office at a decent hour and enjoy some quality time with your friends and family. Use your smartphone to eliminate spam and organize your inbox of work emails before you get to the office. Whether you do this while waiting in line for your morning coffee or sitting on the train, you can clear out a lot of unnecessary emails and start setting your game plan for the day before you sit down at your desk. Track your time online.Does time seem to fly by but your to-do list doesnt get any shorter? There are a number of free apps such as Izepto and Toggl you can download to your smart device or PC to track your activities and identify where youre losing focus. Track your activities for at least one week before you decide how to meister your workflow.Prioritize your activities and set expectations. Consider which activities are most important to you. This could include getting home in time to eat dinner with your loved ones or tuck your children into bed, or using your lunch hour to work out at a local gym. Identify the time frame you need to be off the grid and communicate these expectations to your team. For instance, you may make yourself unavailable from 600-800 p.m. every evening, but will jump back online and respond to urgent requests before the next morning.Delegate the rubber balls.Consider each priority in your life to be a ball that youre juggling some of these balls are made of glass, and some are rubber. When youre juggling too many priorities, chances are that youll end up dropping one along the way. The key is to determine which balls will shatter if they are dropped, and which will bounce back. Consider delegating some of the rubber balls to others. Even if a mistake is made, you know its something that can be recovered from.Negotiate flexibility.Between conferencing software like Skype and iMeet, and document-sharing services like iCloud and Dropbox, the ability to work and perform well outside of the workplace is easier than ever before. Consider negotiating a more flexible work schedule that allows you to work remotely a day or more each week. This option is especially beneficial for those who have long commutes to work.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

If youre reading this, youre too old to master a new language

If youre reading this, youre too old to master a new languageIf youre reading this, youre too old to master a new languageAre you older than 10? Its too late for you to be perfectly fluent in a foreign language.Before you attempt to learn a new language as an adult, recognize the futility of your task. According to a new study published in Cognition, your journey to complete native-level fluency is almost insurmountable as an adult.Thats because your chances of retaining mastery over a new language drop off dramatically after age 10, psychologists found.Study After adulthood, native-level fluency is nearly impossibleThose who begin later literally run out of time before the sharp drop in learning rate at around 17-18 years of age, the study said. The analyses above all point to a grammar-learning ability that is preserved throughout childhood and declines rapidly in late adolescence.What do children have that adults lose? There is no one clear advantage, the psychologists believe, bu t many factors that add up to one big language barrier. Children are less afraid of making mistakes, mora willing to experiment than adults. They may be more likely to grow up in immersive environments around the new language.They may not be dealing with lifestyle changes that make focusing on language acquisition hard like college and new jobs. They may have a lack of interference from a well-learned first language grammar-learning ability, as the study put it. The possible explanations are endless.But if you still want to pick up a new language, you can still attain conversational proficiency. Our brains are always learning. You may never reach the same proficiency level of native speakers who spoke it their whole life, but you can still attain enough fluency to get around.For those of us starting to learn a new language later in life, the researchers recommend immersion as the best method.Youd be better off moving to a country as an adult and trying to learn a language than takin g it all throughout school,study co-author Joshua Hartshorne advised adults who wish to learn.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Argument About Resume Grader

The Argument About Resume Grader The reviewer then offers advice about ways to make your resume much better. A RezScore expert will be glad to help you through these tips. Furthermore, you can search for reporter jobs on Monster. This resource will probably be more useful for recent or soon-to-be college graduates that are still figuring out what sorts of jobs they need to apply for. You are able to even use this facility to inspect the caliber of a professionally written CV. One way to accomplish that is to incorporate a resume that highlights just the correct qualifications. Once again youll be requested to summarize your qualifications for the particular position. Understanding Resume Grader Resume scanner software ought to be a normal portion of your job application approach. The work experience section will most likely take up the majority of the space on your resume. Rather, it enables you to identify your strengths and weaknesses at any moment through your connec tions. Resume is the initial and most crucial step towards getting your preferred job on ship. Life After Resume Grader Including a summary is essential should you really need to catch the eye of a hiring manager. ur present job opportunities are given below. When a job is seemingly simple to qualify for, its vital to know your strengths and the way to emphasize them. Because it requires little or no formalized training, job notices may not offer many clues as to what the employer is looking for. At the same time that you wont be in a position to see the schools resume workshop video without valid Yale login info, you may read its resume advice and have a look at its massive collection of resume-friendly action verbs. It may not be ideal if youre really trying hard to compose your resume and cover letter, but in case you have some idea about what you wish to say and the way you need to say it, you ought to be fine here. Press the Scan button and youre going to immediately see a list of all of the keywords in the work description which are not in your resume. Simply paste the work description on a single side and paste your resume on the opposite side. There are quite a few companies out there which will permit you to submit your resume for analysis free of dienstgrad and within a couple days youll have the results back. Therefore, should you decide to use more action words, examples an always simple to discover. Think of how often you accomplish what you perform regularly and write that down. Its difficult to reject somebody who aces a technical evaluation. The End of Resume Grader There might be several alternatives to select from for each word or sentence in the rewriting possibilities and its important to think about each one before making the last choice. There really isnt any substitute for taking advantage of specialist experience. If some time has passed since youve updated your institutions brand look or voice, then its time to put money into ways that could freshen things up. There are a number of factors that play an important part whilst making a great marine resume. In addition, the world of resume writing is one that is continually evolving. Developing an expert grader resume may be the response to finding a new career without the demand for expensive education. Not everybody is a strong resume writer and thats okay. Writing resumes is something which takes a great deal of time and practice to perfect. What You Need to Do About Resume Grader Its possible for you to discover quantifiable benefits in nearly every profession. Inspired via this tool, you may also create resume grader that lets the candidates to upload their resumes in order to get immediate feedback based on specific algorithms. If its the blind screening procedure will help or hinder your work search may ride on your actions. The USAJOBS application procedure is intended to weed out candidates who cant follow precise instructions. The idea of a targeted resume implies that you need to first have a work target. Successful candidates are well qualified, but theyre also prepared. Many words have a negative effect on effectiveness. Client contact developing powerful and vital relationships. Your institutions credibility is going to be on the line in the event the site is ugly, unfriendly and isnt compatible for mobile users. Our reviews contain information like the score of the clients, our rating, starting prices, Discounts, and caliber of the papers. If youre able to fit all your important and pertinent info on a single page, thats excellent, but dont be worried if youve got to go on to a second sheet of paper. Its extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to avoid low high quality services.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

I want to take a gap year but my parents dont want me to. What should I do

I want to take a eu-agrarpolitik year but my parents dont want me to. What should I do I want to take a gap year but my parents dont want me to. What should I do?Posted May 17, 2013, by Jo Messer I want to take a gap year but my parents dont want me to. What should I do? Ash, 17, Newcastle A lot of students want to take a break after completing Year 12 but it sounds like you need to look at your motivations and reassure your parents that youre not going to spend the year in your pyjamas in front of the TV. Taking a gap year can be an incredibly enriching experience but you need to think carefully about what youre going to do with it. Do you want to use your gap year to work, travel or volunteer? Here are some things to consider 1. If youre planning to apply to a tertiary course before you take your gap year, you need to check the schools deferment policy. Most institutions allow you to defer for up to one year, but others may not be as flexible. If youre applying for a scholarshi p, review the conditions carefully and make sure there isnt a no deferral policy attached. 2. What do you really want to get out of your gap year? If you just want to travel you could look at student exchange or study abroad options during your degree. This is a cost effective way to experience living in another country, while at the same time getting credit towards your degree. You could also consider completing one semester abroad and spending the other semester travelling. 3. Do you want to plan your own gap year or have someone organise it for you? There are numerous organisations that run programs, for example Lattitude Global Volunteering, Real Gap Experience and Student tischordnung Australia New Zealand. These companies will do the organising for you, but they can be expensive. Australian Volunteers International also offers volunteer programs research all your options before committing. 4. Do you want to gain work experience? A gap year can be a good opportunity to ea rn some money, develop new skills and gain experience. If you have a particular course in mind I recommend trying to get a taste of employment in this area, even if you have to volunteer or do work experience. Relevant employment will give you a chance to see if youre really interested in pursuing this area and will give you an edge over other students when it comes to applying for graduate jobs. 5. Do you want to gain experience to help you get into a course? If you didnt get your first preference, a gap year may give you an opportunity to undertake experience that could give you a better chance of getting in. Be mindful there are no guarantees and you should contact the institution/course coordinator to discuss this option further dont make any assumptions. There are many positives to taking a gap year it really depends on what you want to do with it and want to achieve. The important thing is to come up with a preliminary plan and think carefully before jumping in Jo Messer is a Career Development Specialist who has many years of experience in supporting and guiding students and graduates of some of Australias most respected universities, as well as mature-aged clients, across all facets of their career. She is a Professional Member of CDAA and an active member of NAGCAS. Whether you have a specific question about how to achieve your career goal or something more general, Jo is available to provide you with up-to-date advice. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesfind me work experienceyear 10 work experience sydneywork experience ideas year 12what millennials want from brandsfuture employment trends in the next 20 years CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJo MesserRelated ArticlesBrowse moreDesignDigital Media10 jobs that the internet killedThe internet has changed the way we live in more ways than one. Julia takes a look at which jobs have had to take the exit ramp thanks to the information super highway.Work/life balanceWorking in AustraliaRegional Australia Is the grass really greener?Regional cities are booming with job opportunities ripe for the picking. Is regional Australia where its at?EMPLOYER RESOURCESGenerations in the workforceWorkplace Warfare Baby Boomers, Gen X And Gen YLately, everyone is talkin bout your generation. With an age gap of nearly 50 years between the oldest and youngest employees in some organisations, there is a broad range of perspectives, needs and attitudes floating around the office.